White Potato Lake Sportsmen's Club
Ice Fishing Derby
Saturday, 18 January 2025
Donations Needed
Derby Information
The annual Ice Fishing Derby will be held at Brad’s Wouter’s Front II on the shore of beautiful White Potato Lake.
Fish registration begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m.
Cash prizes will be awarded for the first, second, and third largest fish in the walleye, northern, bass, perch, bluegill and crappie categories.
Ties will be by time registered.
Bob Wittmann has served as the Ice Derby Chair for the past six years. He is calling on Sportsmen's Club members to contribute raffle prizes to create an appealing selection of items. We welcome any imaginative contributions that could make compelling prizes.
As we compete with other Derbies for participants' time and money, your support helps fund our fish stocking program, scholarships, and contributions to the Brazeau Volunteer Fire Department and Emergency Services.
Bob Wittmann: bob_wittmann@hotmail.com